Sunday, September 23, 2012

His Love Shines, Put Away Those Lies!

Have you ever wondered, “God, what do you want from my life?”

I have.

Have the endless questions and doubts been raised in your mind, “Well, what if I’m worthless?”

“What if I am not strong enough?” “Lord, I’m not perfect, and I don’t think I’ll ever be.”

I want to ask you, have you ever given over all of those thoughts, worries, and lies to the Lord?

Notice how I said, “Lies.” 

There will not be one day where temptation will not be knocking on your door, sneaking in every possible corner and crack, to make you feel like you are not worth the death of a perfect man.

You will be tempted to believe these hurtful lies and let them sink into you, but let me ask you.

Why become overwhelmed with unwanted grief, when He has shed His light upon you, and continues to seek you continually with His unconditional love? The love we want is there. So, why is it so hard for us to accept it?

Get ready to be blown away, but friends! He accepted us. Who are we? Sinful humans, who deserve nothing. Nothing! Notice how He didn’t accept perfect humans, he accepted sinful ones. Who are you? A sinful human, who deserved nothing. Are you prepared to except this love? A love that will never let you go?

Are you?

Let Christ win you over! Let Him love you with His perfect and unconditional love!

He erases the sin, the lies, the pain, the hurt, the grief. He takes us and molds us.

He’s not finished with you yet! He doesn’t do a half job. Never.

He perfects what He starts, and with time and patience and His love and grace and mercy, you will become something so beautiful and wonderful. Give Him the control to do so. He wants you fully.

Sometimes though, we tend to go to other means of fulfillment. We go to this world where we seem to offer our hope to the worldly treasures more than we do to Christ. Constantly, we seek for something to fill our needs.

I want to challenge you to put away those idols. That “treasure” of yours that offers tales of fulfillment when really, you feel needier. God will come after you. He is jealous for you. He will test you. He wants to know if you love Him, just as much as He loves you.

Put away the lies and see the truth. The truth will set you free.

It’s an exciting  journey and I hope you will seek this one and not let it go. Seek His love. You will never be the same!
Go for it. I dare you!


  1. This was awesome Meg! love it and you!

  2. This spoke to me today, renewing the hope and life I have been struggling to find. Thanks so much!

  3. You're comment touched my heart.
    My prayers go with you!
