Thursday, December 6, 2012

He Never Fails


Have you ever struggled with letting God have full control over your life?

I know I did. In fact, I didn’t really want Him to be in control for a long time a few years ago.

Reason being was: I wanted to be my own person. Run myself in the way I wished, and just be free.

Sadly, because of that decision, I pretty much fell. Fell to the point where all I could do was cry out

to the Lord saying, “God? I can’t do this. It’s too much to bear. It hurts and I need Your healing.”

I have recently been reminded of the redeeming grace that the Lord granted me the past few weeks.
Had I not been brought through some tough and difficult times, I still would have been blind.

There comes a time where we have to realize that God is and always has been in control!
He never stopped; in my case…I was being stubborn and rebellious to His Will. He has a plan, a perfect

one to be exact. Whether or not we want to acknowledge that, it’s the truth. I recently was sitting at my

dining room table a few days ago very early in the morning. Our dining room has a huge window with

a beautiful view. Well I think it does. Anyway, as I sat there I got to see the sunrise! Now, I am not a

morning person and this is a once in a great while experience for me. I loved it. I thought of the verse

that is commonly used, “His mercies are new every morning!” Every morning, I have a hope that

God will get me through the thick and thin. I have faith in Him because He never fails! He has full

control over my life to do with and whatever He pleases. That’s the awesome part. He takes our

burdens and lightens us. To become humble and see that in the midst of our pain and suffering

I can come to a perfect and Holy God, what an awesome story to tell. I am constantly failing and

always messing up, but it’s through His blood that I am forgiven. It brings a smile to my face and

comforts me to know that my life is in the hands of the One who created me and all things. Can I

even begin to imagine what that truly means? It’s too much, to be honest. That’s why I love Him.

He loves me. He loves you. He cares about you. Don’t ever forget that.