Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Don't Worry Now

Me and my friend might be singing this for NOTA. This is such a great song.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Who Will YOU Be?

Yesterday was Sunday, and because I was very sick, and caught a nasty cold I didn't make it to church. Even though I didn't get to go to church I found myself worshiping in my home, playing the piano and singing to the Lord, and just spending my day alone with God! In the afternoon I made myself pasta and coffee (and for dinner, I made making pasta again!) I’ve become very fond of Pasta, Alfredo sauce, and Pesto. So as I ate lunch, I decided to put on a movie called, “Faith Like Potatoes.” This movie is based on a true story about a farmer who lived in Zulu, Africa. His story is inspiring and fascinating and something about it just makes me ask myself, “God, send me to places where you want to be seen.” During the movie someone quoted a quote, and I was in such amazement over this quote that I paused the movie and wrote it down.

The quote was this, “It’s not the violence of the few that scares me as much as the silence of many.”

How perfect is that? The truth is just a matter of a few words! I was shocked. You know, this world is in such a bad shape and even though people say, “We need to stand up!” In reality, no one really does. It made me wonder, have I been too silent? Have I taken the time to really think about the people who live with no hope? There is a time when we will ask ourselves, “Will I stand up? Or will I keep living with the culture?” God wants us to be the Light! You don’t need to start by doing something huge; you can start by taking the little steps to get to the big steps. Will you make your voice heard and tell others that Jesus is Lord? Against the violence, against the hatred, against all evil, will you step up and take action?

I pray you do, this is what I want to do! I want to share the love of God to many, I pray you will not fear man, but fear God instead.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Through Art

Up and Away

Up and away,
Far and wide,
Sore upward and take flight,
My wings are not mine,
They are a gift from the King,
With the wind, He will lead me.

Lead me to places where He wants to be seen,
Through His servant He will do many things,
I will say, “The glory is God’s alone,”
He will pour His blessings out on many.
To the people who are unloved, He will love.
To the people who are hurt, He will heal.

The work He has for me, may be difficult,
The work He has for me, may seem rough,
No matter how hard the days may get,
I will still press towards the goal He has set for me.
The work here on earth is small compared to the joy I will receive.
I will praise my Father on High who has done great things for me.


                                                          The Painting of Psalm 54:6-7
                                                                By: Megan Becker

"With a freewill offering I will sacrfice to you:"

The colors that are going upward are the "smoke" if you wish to call them that. They are from the freewill offering that was sacrificed. Since offerings were made to God by one's hand, I painted this whole painting with my bare hands.

"...I will give thanks to your name, O Lord, for it is good..."

 The verse goes on to say,

"For he has delivered me from every trouble,"

The black background means our trouble and the gold dots show the mercy falling back down on the Lord's servant therefore bringing deliverance. The verse then ends,

"And my eye has looked in triumph on my enemies."

Monday, January 23, 2012

Feeling Crafty!

My Aunty Danette has been making hats the last few weeks by crocheting! She has made a few for the girls in my family and I think they are the cutest hats ever. She is actually teaching the girls in our church how to make these warm, fluffy hats. I just made one and it's so relaxing and fun to do. Give it a try! You just might find out you like making hats.

  Here is a picture of what my aunt has done and what my sister have accomplished! Of course there is much more!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Fasting From the Media -- FYI ( Facebook )

Well, it's all come down this this decision.

I'm fasting from facebook and most media including less TV time and more Bible time.

Why do this?

My answer is simple: Media robs our time. Time that could be spent with family and God.

Dis-connecting from the media will not only help me physically but also spirtually! Re-connecting with my "Abba" is important.

So starting January 10, 2012, I'm off for 30 days OR more.

Okay, before I tune out for awhile, I want to challange you to think about how you use your time, and if media is robbing your time away from the Lord and more important priorities then maybe it's time you take a break from those things for some time.

Alrighty, I've said my share and off I go!