Thursday, April 26, 2012

Reflection on my Praise Journal - To God

Dear Friend,

The beginning of this year I created a Praise Journal to God. I can admit that I used to own a diary and would write down silly things ( now let's be honest, who hasn't?) Anyway, I wanted to try something new. I prayed about it and the brilliant thought came to my mind. Light bulb! I would write in a journal on a daily basis of how God was working in my life. I would praise Him in the good and bad times. It has been almost four months since I started and in all honesty, my life has been blessed through this decision. Praising God...on a daily basis! Just being able to go back to the past few months and read how I've been able to grow and learn, let's just say... awesome doesn't even describe the feeling! Now as I reflect on these past few months, I really want to encourage you to do the same. You don't have to write every single day, and believe me...there have been many days that were skipped in my journal. I encourage you to write out your prayers, thoughts, praises, songs, and God! I am so glad I made a Praise Journal and I hope that you will make one if not now, Lord willing, the future.


Monday, April 23, 2012

Look up!

My, my! I have not written in a very long time and honestly things have become super busy. I want to take a moment though and just reflect on the sky. Yes, the sky! Have you looked up lately? Recently, I have been just been able to soak in the sunsets and let me just say, they are beautiful! God's creation and handi-work is magnificent. I honestly wish I wasn't so busy so I could just let God's creation bless my eyes more and more! If anything, I'm glad I have a sky to praise God for. A few days ago I caught this awesome picture of a heart-shaped cloud. Check it out!

The heavens declare the glory of God,
and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.
Pslams 19:1